The NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s executive director of water planning Giselle Howard said feedback from local communities will help shape a robust framework that will strike the right balance between the needs of the environment, town supply, agriculture and industry.
“We’ve included protection measures for over 150 wetlands in this region which are vital to the prosperity of threatened flora and fauna, including our native wildlife and migratory birds,” Ms Howard said.
“The draft plan has proposed to prevent new water supply works within the wetlands and prohibit new in-river dams on major streams in the Murray Below Mulwala floodplain, which makes up two-thirds of the water sharing plan area.
“After a thorough reassessment of environmental factors and trading rules, we have also recommended creating limited trade opportunities between most water sources to bolster economic activity, without compromising environmental outcomes.
“Legally we have to replace these plans every 10 years to make sure there is a fair and sustainable division of water while considering current and future climate factors including floods and droughts.
“Although these changes are minor, they will play an important role in helping us to better protect the area’s resources, including wetlands for future generations.”
The draft plan also provides a new cease-to-pump rule in upper Mannus Creek, west of Tumbarumba.
The Murray WSP borders Victoria and stretches across 20,500km², from the Australian Alps and Albury to Moulamein in the west.
Feedback can be provided until midnight on Friday, November 17.
There will also be an online information session and three face-to-face consultations in October to help people get up to speed with the proposed changes.
The first will be held in Deniliquin on Wednesday, October 25 from 10am to noon, at the Deniliquin RSL Club.
Others will be held in Albury and Tumbarumba.
The consultation sessions begin with an online webinar on October 19, from noon to 2pm.
An opportunity to “have a conversation with a planner” will also be offered via phone between October 30 and November 3, from 9am to 4.30pm daily.
To register for any of these feedback opportunities, go to
All responses will be carefully reviewed and considered before the final replacement plan comes into effect on July 1, 2024.