2 Person Ambrose Sunday 9 Mar
Gross winners with 64 Jayden Forge and Taj Smith
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Net winners with 63.25 Tim Hicks and Cameron Darling
Runner-up with 63.75 Chris Jones and Jakeb Meyer
Third with 64.75 Mark Chappell and Alex Patton
Ball Rundown: Ryan Glare/Riley Allan 65.25, Shaun Beattie/Mark Mooney 65.50, Michael Love/Steve Carrick, Ian Kay/Jay Mase 66.25
Open Stableford 10 Mar
Winner c/b with 35 Pts Bradley Mills
Runner-up with 35 Pts Geoff Cox
Ball Rundown: San Widdop 33, Ben Harvey 32
Cheap Tuesday 11 Mar
Winner with 37 Pts Malcolm Dinsdale
Runner-up with 37 Pts Bob Ronnfeldt
Ball Rundown: Alec Jones, Casey Bridges 36, Gary Patterson, Kieran Jones, Greg Baines 35
NTP 4th Kristan Wood
NTP 9th 2nd shot Greg Baines
NTP 12th Tyson Logie
NTP 18th James Gordon
Golden Oldies – Tuesday 11 Mar
Winner with 15 Pts Joe Lackner
Runner-up with 11 Pts Dave Twiss
Ball winner John Batten
Women’s Irish Stableford 12 Mar
Winner with 84 Pts Marg Monks
Runner-up with 70 Pts Gay Richards
Third with 69 Pts Louise Holden
Fourth with 66 Pts Valerie Stark
Ball Rundown: Sandra Lewis, Trish Lethbridge 66, Anne McNamara 64, Roslyn Black 63, Marg Tobin 60
Thursday Stableford 13 Mar
Winner with 39 Pts Tim Patton
Runner-up with 38 Pts John Taylor
Third with 3 Pts Frank Clifford
Fourth with 37 Pts Geoff Boyd
Fifth with 37 Pts Phill Dunning
Ball Rundown: Bill Black, Dave Harris, Derek Agnew, Roger Bradford 37, Michael Wrotny, Justin Forge, Marth Cunningham, Greg Witherden, Neville Tait, Gary Housden, John Kostiw 36, Brian Chandler, Tony Larkin 35, Gary Patterson, Joe Lackner, Dave Twiss, Brett Skinner, Alf Arthur, James Gordon, Gerald Ward 34, Craig McMillan, Guy Rowe, Peter Reid, Michael Love, Brett Cuthbert 33
NTP 3rd 2nd shot James Gordon
NTP 4th Gary Housden
NTP 9th 2nd shot James Gordon
NTP 10th 2nd shot Tim Patton
NTP 12th David Holmes
NTP 18th Tim Patton
Best Scratch Score – Tim Patton
Hidden Holes winner - Dave Harris
Medley Stableford 14 Mar
Winner with 40 Pts Dylan Hanley
Runner-up with 33 Pts Rohan Pearce
Ball Rundown: Matthew Salter 33
Men’s Stroke/Women’s Stableford 15 Mar
Women’s Stableford
Winner with 39 Pts Selina Barkley
Ball Rundown: Marlene Stuart 34
NTP 3rd 2nd shot Selina Barkley
NTP 4th Marg Tobin
Men’s Stroke
A Grade winner with 70 Terry Salmon
Runner-up with 72 Steve Carrick
Third with 73 Nathan Thomas
B Grade winner with 69 Kiern Jones
Runner-up with 71 Shane Hansford
Third with 72 Stuart Clifton
C Grade winner with 70 Geoff Boyd
Runner-up with 72 Jock Rogers
Third with 72 Bob Ronnfeldt
Ball Rundown: Geoff Cox 72, Luke Chaplin 73, Daniel Kadaoui, Jake Goddard, Neville King 74, Gary Patterson, Micharl Hooper, Tim Hicks, Phill Dunning, Darren Matthew, Steve Rodway, Stephen Cox 75
NTP 4th Darren Matthew
NTP 9th 2nd shot Neville King
NTP 12th Steve Carrick
NTP 18th David Holmes
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