Congratulations to Geoff Adams for exposing some of the myths around implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (Country News, October 22).
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Unfortunately, since scientists first decided there were mega-bucks to be made by promoting a false narrative, we have been fed ongoing falsehoods, starting with the plan’s modelling and extending throughout its implementation.
Recently, the misinformation has even been complemented by more than $12 million in misleading Federal Government advertising, with fake images that portray a totally false impression of the Murray-Darling Basin.
And yet many scientists refuse to call out some of the issues that genuinely need to be addressed if we are to have a better plan. These include the need to address carp proliferation, acknowledge buying back water from the Southern Basin will not solve the issues of the Darling and accept the fact South Australia has caused the environmental decline of the Coorong by diverting water out to sea via the south-east drains.
As Geoff Adams says, it is disappointing when scientists “with impressive academic qualifications advance their own myths”, and he quite rightly states “real science and whole truths are needed to secure a sustainable Australian water future”.
On its current trajectory, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan will make its mark in history as among the worst policy implementations in Australian history. This will only change if we have honest and factual debate, with commitment from all stakeholders to deliver a sustainable basin plan that protects the environment and our communities.
Scientists who prioritise ideology and grant funding are only exacerbating the environmental damage.