“Being Deputy Mayor the entire time has exposed me to many of the issues that not only this council encounters but many councils around the state. We are no different,” Mr Whitechurch said.
“We have all of the issues that rural regional councils are up against, and they all centre around staff shortages, funds to carry out necessary works and continual battles trying to source government grants to complete those extra jobs and asset replacements. Magnificent new projects throughout the shire have resulted.
“A recent review by Professor Drew clearly highlighted that the merged council had inherited many issues that go back 20-odd years.
“We set about turning the ship around – and we knew it was going to be easy. But we turned it.
“I am seeking re-election as I believe too much hard work has gone into the last seven years to see the direction be redirected by potentially a full new council that has no knowledge of the past.
“I welcome new blood to the table, and there are some young energetic candidates who would thrive on what’s ahead but it’s going to be hard.
“This council needs a mix of new (there are three councillors not seeking re-election) and experienced councillors so the journey can prosper.
“We now have a detailed list of recommendations from the Drew report, and a new informed council will work towards those goals that in-turn will provide financial stability for years ahead.
“I again seek your support for myself and my group that will hopefully produce more than one Councillor Vote 1 group C above the line.”