At the Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 23, board members and senior management identified an immediate and critical need to step in and support the community that has supported the club over many decades.
From this need, the team developed the idea to launch a special grant round.
“I am so proud to be involved with a Board who identified the urgency and hardship in our local communities and willing to contribute a large sum of cash to be available immediately to support their recovery,” CEO Peter Norris stated.
“As a local club, we play a critical role in the community, mostly as a place to bring people together, but in these times, we have an important role to play to ensure our communities come back from these difficult periods.
“It has been a long and challenging almost three years where we fed displaced families due to fires in early 2020, provided meals to those in need through the toughest times of Covid, and now, through devastating floods, it is again time we show our local communities that we will be by their side in the most challenging of times.”
Individual organisations can apply for grants up to $10,000, which can include contributions for clean-up efforts, replacement of equipment or simply to ensure a safe environment for those attending those places.
Mr Norris also stated that grant applicants will not have to jump through complicated hoops to access the funding.
“For this to be effective and have the greatest impact, we need to be able to get cash to organisations quickly and without hassle. They have been through enough, “he said.
The grant funding is now open and will remain open until the full $50,000 has been allocated. To apply, complete the funding application