Revamp has been supporting the Royal Children’s Hospital via donations to the local branch of the Good Friday Appeal since 2011.
The Corowa-Wahgunyah Good Friday Appeal is run by local area managers Karie Playford, Ali Playford and Lauren Bath, who are incredibly grateful for the ongoing and generous support of the Revamp Op Shop, their hardworking team of volunteers and the Corowa Presbyterian Church.
“We would like to give a massive thank you to Florence and the staff at the Revamp Op Shop for their contribution to the Good Friday Appeal,” Karie said.
“We appreciate the ongoing generous support.”
Funds raised by the Good Friday Appeal provide equipment, training, research, and patient and family-centred care programs to the Royal Children’s Hospital, providing patients, including those from the Corowa Wahgunyah district, with world class care.
Revamp Op Shop is overseen by the Corowa Presbyterian Church. It is managed by Florence Hudson and run by a team of volunteers.
Funds raised by the Op Shop are used to fund church programs or are donated to charities with over $45,000 donated to charitable causes since March last year. Through their recent donations Revamp has been responsible for advanced medical equipment being purchased in both Wodonga and Corowa.
“It’s wonderful to be able to support those in need,” Ms Hudson told the Free Press.
“We’ve received great feedback from our community. We couldn’t do this without them or our wonderful volunteers.”