Millions pledged for Barkly Park

Benambra Labor Candidate Mark Tait and Labor Minister Jaclyn Symes (front left) pledgle $1 million for Barkly Park. Also pictured, representing Indigo Shire and Barkly Park user groups, is (back row) Ricky James, Pat Beattie, Mayor Bernard Gaffney, Shannen Hocking, Brian Curran, Sophie Nicolson, Kaitlin Muscat, Alister Chisholm, (front row) Cr Sophie Price, Nadine Nicholson (holding Phoebe), Annmarie Somerville and Cr Roberta Horne.

“Gamechangers for our club and community,” is how Murray Felines committee member Nadine Nicholson described the $1 million Labor election pledge and the $2 million Liberal Nationals pledge for new changerooms and better facilities at Barkly Park, Rutherglen annnounced in the past week.

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