Indigo Shire Council has endorsed a 78-lot development plan for the edge of Rutherglen, but a future subdivision plan may be far off due to sewerage capacity constraints outlined by North East Water.
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The development is proposed for a 21.9-hectare site located on the corner of Slaughterhouse and Herrins roads and was tabled at Indigo Shire Council’s July 30 meeting.
The application, lodged by Halcon Rutherglen, seeked council’s approval to use and/or develop the subject site for the purposes of the 78 lot subdivision over 14 stages.
The proposal is required to facilitate the envisaged development outcome for the land, which may include fully serviced minimum 2,000 sqm allotments and/ or septic/effluent-managed low-density allotments.
A report presented to councillors identified issues raised in public submissions including possible increased traffic on Slaughterhouse Road, no footpaths, the road is not wide enough, safety of cyclists, no details on the type of housing and any restrictions, no provision for open space, the proposed development is within a wildlife corridor and the zoning is not compliant with the purpose of the area.
After receiving several objections, a meeting was called to hear and address the community's concerns on April 5. Council officers said that while issues were raised about the proposed subdivision, most objections related to Rutherglen’s infrastructure ability to support a development of that size.
North East Water said it does not object to the approval of the development plan for the 14-stage subdivision, however, it advises that there are currently significant capacity constraints on the existing sewer infrastructure affecting stages 2 to 14.
Stage 1 is proposed to be serviced with onsite septic systems, which is supported by North East Water, and it does not object to a permit for the development plan for stage 1 being granted.
However, upgrades are required to North East Water’s sewerage infrastructure to service the allotments proposed for stages 2 to 14 of the development plan.
North East Water stated that; “a planning permit seeking subdivision approval for stages 2 to 14 requiring connections to reticulated sewer may not be supported by North East Water at this time”.
Councillor Bernard Gaffney made the point at council’s July meeting that the development plan at this stage is not a plan of subdivision.
“There is certainly a shortage of available land (for housing) in Rutherglen and Indigo Shire for that matter,” Cr Gaffney said.
“The surrounding land is Rural Activity zoned particularly to the south and this land is zoned low density residential.”
Councillor Horne questioned the percentage contribution the development proposed for public open space.
In response to Cr Horne’s question, council management said there is always a benchmark of five per cent for public open space with such developments in line with legislation and this development plan has identified this with a park.
Cr Horne said this development provides a really exciting chance to provide a “standout neighbourhood” in a rural activity zone within a tourism orientated historic town.
“A great deal of consideration must be given to the sensitivity bridging transition of the land to residential,” Cr Horne said.
Cr Horne also mentioned the importance of considering the land’s native and wildlife aspects, flood mitigation issues, and movability and access to services for future residents with any further planning.
North East Water has commenced master planning for Rutherglen which includes the expansion of sewer services but is unable to specify a timeframe for when new sewerage services will be available for Stages 2 to 14 of this development.
Should council resolve to approve the application for the development plan, North East Water requests that the following notations be placed on any approval of the Development Plan granted by council:
The developer is advised that sewer services are currently unavailable for stages 2 to 14 of the development.
Sewerage infrastructure for Rutherglen is currently under development which will allow for new allotments to be connected to sewer in the future.
The developer is encouraged to deal directly with North East Water regarding future sewer servicing timing and capabilities for Stages 2 to 14 of the development plan and future sewer connection requirements.
Council officers said the proposed plan was large but limited to North East Water’s serviceability and may take many years to catch up to any proposed subdivision and development.