Howlong-based Councillor David Longley raised the subject at council’s monthly meeting on January 19, asking that council consult the local community and key industry stakeholders accordingly.
“Howlong is at the forefront of exponential industry growth,” he said.
“Expansion of established businesses within the industrial estate, approval of two new businesses pending and additional traffic flow from nearby Barnawartha Logistical Hub – (main street) Hawkins Street is already at above capacity for traffic flow, creating at times safety issues for the local community users.”
Examples of local residents, especially the elderly, experiencing difficulty crossing the main street were conveyed by Cr Longley.
Examples of cars making slow progress because of several B-Double vehicles having to use Hawkins Street were also advised by Cr Longley.
“With the adaptation of key engagement strategies and planning, a positive outcome for all can be achieved,” he said.
“This futuristic approach will all non-essential traffic to be removed from Hawkins Street. I understand council is doing some work on a potential bypass.” Council’s director engineering services Steve Carmichael confirmed that some preliminary work has been undertaken by council staff.
But this is the first formal approach and all councillors supported Cr Longley’s motion.
Cr Fred Longmire asked about funding sources for a bypass, expecting such a project would cost millions of dollars.
Federation Council Mayor Pat Bourke said financial assistance can be sought from government sources. “This (the motion) is a starting point,” he concluded.