The day was hosted by the Wahgunyah Progress Association and Indigo Shire Council. Representing Indigo Shire Council was Deputy Mayor Bernard Gaffney and Councillor Roberta Horne.
The morning was spent celebrating Australia Day with a delicious barbeque and local resident Geoff Cofield reciting some great Australian poems giving the morning a real Australian feel.
The Wahgunyah Progrss Asscociation would like to thank to Scott and Mick on the barbeque, raffle and ticket sellers Sue, Trish and Wendy.
On display was the concept design for the newly funded pump track to be located at the Wahgunyah Railway Land. The design has had great community input, with Indigo Shire Council having on-site meetings with the local students at the Primary School.
The raffle was drawn with some great prizes donated by the Newmarket Hotel, Old Empire Hotel, Tiger Wahgunyah Service Station, Louisa Morris Cakes and Maikai Hair.
Raffle winners were John C, Lorraine Carmody, Barb Spinks, Chris Hella and Tom Carroll.
All funds raised by the Wahgunyah Progress Association go towards projects within the town.
Thanks to all who supported the raffle and attended the morning.